ISA Certified Arborist

What is an arborist?
An arborist is a professional who is trained in the art and science of
planting, caring for, and maintaining trees.
ISA arborist certification is a voluntary non-governmental process by which
individuals can document their base of knowledge. It operates without mandate of law and is an internal,
self-regulating protocol administered by the International Society of Arboriculture. Certification provides a
measurable assessment of an individual’s knowledge and competence required to provide proper tree care.
Certified Arborists are individuals who have achieved a level of knowledge in
the art and science of tree care through experience and by passing a comprehensive examination developed by some of
the nation’s leading experts on tree care. Certified Arborists must also continue their education to maintain their
certification. Therefore, they are more likely to be up to date on the latest techniques in arboriculture.
Certification can be verified at the ISA website.
A certified arborist can provide a variety of services to help any
property owner maintain their investment. Proper tree care is a good investment which can lead to positive
returns. Well cared for trees are attractive and have a great potential to add value to any landscape.
Why Hire An Arborist?