Storm Damage

storm damage tree removal
tornado tree damage
tree blown down
storm damage tree
emergency tree removal
covering power lines
storm damaged tree
storm damaged tree
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Storm Damage Tree Removal
Storm damage comes in many different forms, i.e. tornadoes, ice, strong winds, flooding, lightning, etc.
However not all storm damage requires emergency tree removal.
Non-Emergency Storm Damage
Following a storm, after everyone has been accounted for, and weather/daylight permitting,
damage assessment may then take place.
Unless there are injuries, or egress routes have been compromised, there is no reason to start
removing the tree from the roof in the middle of a thunderstorm.
For safety reasons, damage assessment should not begin until daylight or an official
all-clear signal has been issued.
Emergency Storm Damage
Here's what to do if a tree falls on your roof during a storm. If it comes through the
roof and ceiling, usually there is already a power outage, but if there is not, assume that all lines are hot, and
get to a known safe area.
Do not attempt to assess the damage in the dark. The best first step is to leave the premises
without touching anything for fear of electrocution.
Often, it's not the actual thunderstorm that causes accidents and injuries, it's the
aftermath and cleanup as people are attempting to remove limbs and debris before the all-clear signal has been
given by local authorities.
This is the time for the homeowner to contact their insurance agent and gather necessary
information to begin the claims process. This is also a good time to take pictures. Again, wait for the "all clear"
from authorities.
Once the storm damage site has been cleared for entry, damage assessment can begin. In some
cases, the insurance adjuster may require more than one estimate before any work is approved.
Remember, these are only hints, as policies vary from insurance to homeowner. Not all insurance
policies are the same.
Be weary of tree companies who insist on performing this work immediately. Also, beware of
companies who are not locally based or those who do not meet the local regulatory requirements.
Storm damage cleanup: Our goal is to accomplish this without incurring any further damage
to the structure. Further damage should be kept at a minimum if at all possible.
Storm damage tree removal is usually EXTREMELY dangerous and involves a
much higher degree of risk.